Welcome to the PD System!
Please see information regarding special education data reporting at http://www.p12.nysed.gov/sedcar/.
Click here to review, revise or submit your PD data
or submit your Self Review Checklist Data
or review your Special Education Verification Reports
If you do not have a user id and password to submit data through this website, please send an e-mail message to dataquest@mail.nysed.gov to request this information. Please provide your name, title, name of school district or approved private school, phone number and e-mail address to request this information.
If you would like to send the PD-8 report by using the File
Transfer Protocol (FTP) process, you need a different user id and password.
Click on the link below for a form that must be used to request this
information. Fax the completed form to the STAC Unit at (518)
Click here to view/print this form - PDF